Template Entities

Few entities in a typical game world are truly unique. Most are identical to, or slight variations of, a number of basic entity types (e.g. “block of grass”, “player”, etc.). Reproducing tens of thousands of copies of the components for these entities would be a waste of resources. Template entities avoid repeated duplication of component data by allowing an entity to inherit a default set of components from a template unless they are overridden by custom values.

Implementation of Template Entities

Template entities are persisted in the database with entity IDs between 0xFFFE000000000000 through 0xFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFF. Entities may inherit from a template entity by setting the template_id column in the Entity table; in the engine, this results in the inheritance being tracked in EntityTable and implemented through BaseComponentCollection<T>.

Template entities are transparent to code which relies on the component collections inheriting BaseComponentCollection<T>. When component values are read from the collection, the inherited component value will be read if the entity does not have its own value for that component. Writing a component value to an entity overrides the component for that entity.

Template Entity Loading

Template entities are loaded by the server at startup from the database. The entire collection of template entities are maintained in server memory at all times. When changes are made to these templates, those changes are synchronized to the database during the standard persistence synchronization process.

The client loads the latest template entities when an account first logs in by requesting a full template table via an authenticated REST endpoint on the server. This table consists of a LZ4-compressed list of entity definition structures encoded using MessagePack. It is parsed and the definitions are processed by EntityDefinitionProcessor to synchronize the template table in client memory.

Template Entity Creation

Template entity creation and modification is done through a request-reply process that involves passing entity definitions through the normal entity synchronization methods. Special client-to-server events (Server_TemplateEntity_Update) make changes to the template entity table on the server. Whenever updates occur on the server, they are relayed to all connected clients through the standard entity synchronization mechanism.

Below is a sequence diagram showing a high-level depiction of the creation and update processes.

sequenceDiagram participant Client participant Server Client ->> Client: Admin creates or modifies template in client Client ->> Server: UpdateTemplateEntity Server ->> Client: EntitySync (Updated Template)

Template entities cannot be deleted once created. This is an intentional choice to reduce the risk of deleting a critical template entity that is widely used across the game world.

Template Entity Component Support

Not all components are applicable to template entities. The matrix below provides a summary of which components are applicable to which types of template entities. Any component not listed is not supported in any template entities.











