Networking Overview

The Sovereign Engine networking code is designed as an extension of the event mechanism used by both the client and server. The engine communicates over the network by serializing and sending the minimum set of events necessary to reconstruct the current game state at the remote endpoint.

Event-Based Networking Architecture

Game State

The game state at any given time is defined by the current server tick and the set of all entities and components at that tick. Both the client and the server maintain a game state at all times; these game states are not identical, nor is the client game state strictly a subset of the server game state.

The global game state is the subset of the server game state that potentially overlaps with any client game state. Equivalently, the global game state is the subset of the server game state that may be communicated to clients. For example, this would include visible entities (such as players, NPCs, and items) and any observable components (such as position, velocity, and HP), but would exclude any server or client secrets as well as any internal state (e.g. components related to rendering, GUI-related components, caching lifetimes, etc.).

The full global game state is always known to the server, but it is not necessarily known to any individual client. Clients only need to know about the subset of the global game state that is visible to the player.

The global game state is not directly communicated over the network. Instead, the events from which the global game state is constructed are sent over the network. The set of relevant events are referred to as the primary defining events. The set of events which may induce a primary defining event are referred to as secondary defining events. All other events are collectively referred to as nondefining events. The sequence of all produced primary defining events is sufficient to reconstruct the global game state, and so the secondary defining events and the nondefining events are not sent over the network.

Client-Server Relationship

Sovereign Engine uses a client-server model where many clients connect to a single server over the network. The server is fully authoritative; that is, it is always considered the authority on the current global game state.

The server specifies the global game state to the clients by sending authoritative events to the clients. The global game state may then be reconstructed by applying the events received from the server. The client shall adopt the state described by the server in all cases, including any cases where the state conflicts with the local state of the client. This is similar to the idea of “event sourcing” where the sequence of events is the primary representation of the data. Sovereign Engine stops short of full event sourcing; the entities and components are the primary representation of the data, and the sequence of events are only a secondary representation used to communicate the minimum subset of the global same state over the network.

The client informs the server of any attempted changes to the global game state (e.g. a change in the position of the player in response to player input) by forwarding the relevant events. The client may adopt the changed state by processing these speculative events, until such time as an updated state is determined from the authoritative events sent by the server. The server will not send any acknowledgment or rejection packets in response to speculative events; the server event sequence is the authoritative definition of the global game state.

Designing Primary Defining Events

Primary defining events must create the server-defined authoritative global game state when processed by the client, regardless of whether the client has previously processed speculative events that produced an invalid state. As such, primary defining events that affect component values should specify absolute values of the components. For example, an entity movement event should specify the new position of the entity following the event, not an offset relative to the current entity position.

Relative-valued events are still useful as they are composable; for example, two relative HP changes will have a cumulative effect, whereas two absolute HP changes in the same tick will only apply the last value to be processed. Relative-valued events should be used in system logic and treated as secondary defining events. Their cumulative effect should then be communicated periodically as an idempotent primary defining event.

A simple method for reducing multiple secondary defining events into a single primary defining event is to extend BaseComponentReducer<T>. The main drawback of this method is that the primary event is not issued until the next tick as the components are only updated at a tick boundary, leading to a worst case latency of (tick length + 1/2 * round trip time). Consequently the server will lag to player inputs by a minimum of the tick length, though this overhead becomes negligible for high-ping clients. The lagging effects should average out over several ticks as the server sends authoritative updates, but if not, more advanced compensation methods will be required.


Packet Reliability

Sovereign Engine sends packets between clients and servers using UDP. UDP is a stateless protocol that offers no reliability or ordering guarantees. Any ordering or reliability needed by Sovereign must be supported at the application layer.

Packets sent between the client and server may be categorized based on their need for ordering and/or reliability. The table below categorizes some common types of communication used by Sovereign Engine.



Ordering Required

Reliability Required













Player Input

Client -> Server



Send Entity Updates

Server -> Client



Send World Data

Server -> Client



For functions where ordering is required, the ordering of packets is only important within the set of packets related to that function. For example, if a chat packet and a world data packet were both being sent, the order in which the two packets are delivered is not important. However, if two chat packets were being sent, then the order is important. The engine therefore groups packets by function into separate channels in order to avoid unnecessary performance hits.


Connection Sequence

The following connection sequence assumes that the client provides valid login credentials for an existing account which is not banned, and generally does not specify behavior on error cases.

sequenceDiagram participant Client participant RestServer participant EventServer participant Accounts participant EntityFactory participant WorldManagement participant Persistence activate Client Note left of Client: Client begins authentication sequence Client ->> RestServer: Request to authenticate activate RestServer RestServer ->> Accounts: Validate login activate Accounts Accounts ->> Persistence: Get account information activate Persistence Persistence –>> Accounts: Account information deactivate Persistence Accounts ->> Accounts: Validate login Accounts –>> RestServer: Account information deactivate Accounts RestServer –>> Client: Authentication response deactivate RestServer Client –> EventServer: Connect deactivate Client Note left of Client: Client begins player selection sequence activate Client Client ->> RestServer: Request player list activate RestServer RestServer ->> Persistence: Get player list activate Persistence Persistence –>> RestServer: Player list deactivate Persistence RestServer –>> Client: Player list deactivate RestServer alt New player Client ->> RestServer: Request player creation RestServer ->> EntityFactory: Build player entity tree activate EntityFactory EntityFactory –>> RestServer: Player entity ID deactivate EntityFactory else Existing player Client ->> RestServer: Request select player end activate RestServer RestServer -) Accounts: Select player activate Accounts RestServer -) Persistence: Load player entity activate Persistence RestServer –>> Client: Response deactivate RestServer deactivate Client Accounts ->> Accounts: Set player to account deactivate Accounts Persistence ->> Persistence: Load player entity tree deactivate Persistence activate WorldManagement loop For each subscribed world segment opt If world segment is not already activated WorldManagement ->> Persistence: Load entities for world segment activate Persistence Persistence –) WorldManagement: Entity trees for world segment deactivate Persistence end end deactivate WorldManagement Note left of Client: Client begins event server connection activate Client activate EventServer EventServer -) Client: Synchronization event for player entity tree loop For each world segment player is subscribed to par Non-block entity synchronization EventServer -) Client: Synchronization events for world segment and Block entity synchronization Client ->> RestServer: Request world segment block data activate RestServer RestServer –>> Client: World segment block data deactivate RestServer end end deactivate EventServer deactivate Client Note left of Client: Player is in game


The first stage of establishing a connection is to authenticate. This is done out-of-band via a REST API exposed by the server. This REST API should be placed behind a TLS termination proxy (e.g. nginx configured for this role) to provide proper security.

Once authentication is complete, a shared secret is established between the server and client. This secret is used as the HMAC key for message validation.

Player Character Selection

Following successful authentication, the client must select a player character to use. Each account is linked to zero or more player characters. The client may also create a player character; creating a player character automatically selects the new player character for the session. Similar to authentication, this is all accomplished via a REST API exposed by the server.

Event Server Connection

Finally, once the client has selected the player character to be used, the client must connect to the event server. This is done by opening a connection via the LiteNetLib library to the server, passing the account ID as the connection key. Establishing the event server connection completes the connection process.

World State Synchronization

The server is responsible for providing updates to each connected client to allow the clients to maintain a locally synchronized world state with the server as described above. Several mechanisms exist to facilitate this synchronization for various aspects of the world state. Taken together in sequence, they allow each client to efficiently synchronize the local world state to the server with a tolerable level of error.

Local state synchronization is achieved one world segment at a time. Synchronization for a world segment is an ongoing process that starts when a player character moves into the update radius of that world segment. The update radius is specified as an integer number of world segment lengths, and the distance from a player to a world segment is rounded up to the nearest multiple of the world segment length when determining synchronization requirements. Synchronization may only end once the player character has exited the radius. When a player character enters the radius, we say that player subscribes to that world segment. Similarly, the player is said to unsubscribe from a world segment when synchronization ends. The server is responsible for tracking player movement in and out of world segments.

Block Synchronization

Block entities are by far the largest set of world state that must be synchronized for a world segment. Each world segments consists of up to 32768 blocks. However, this data is expected to be mostly static with few updates.

When a player subscribes to a world segment, it first requests the latest state of all block data in that world segment via an asynchronous REST API. The server then provides a binary blob encoding a twice-compressed form of the block data. Simultaneously, the server also begins to send single-block updates via the event server using a set of events which specify the coordinates of the affected block and the nature of the change. The client unpacks the binary blob to obtain an initial set of blocks, then applies the received events to maintain synchronization. Block synchronization depends only on the coordinates of the blocks - the entity ID of a block entity is never synchronized between the server and client.


Block entities are sent from server to client with only their position and template ID. Therefore, all blocks must have templates, and any custom component values will not be transferred to the server. These can be treated as private to the server by default unless another event-based API synchronizes these components to the client on a case-by-case basis.

Entity Synchronization

Non-block entities are similarly synchronized between the server and a client whenever the player associated with a client is within the update radius of the world segment that contains the entity. Refer to the activation rules specified in the persistence documentation for details on how entities are associated to specific world segments.

When a player subscribes to a world segment, all non-block entities in that world segment are initially advertised to the client by a sequence of events specifying the entity ID and the publicly visible components of that entity. Note that not all components are considered to be publicly visible. If the client already knows about an advertised entity, it accepts the newly advertised data as authoritative and overwrites its existing data wherever there may be a conflict. This process serves to ensure that there is a synchronized table of entity IDs shared by server and client at all times.

Once the entity IDs are synchronized, updates to the entity proceed via the same events that mutate entity state on the server. These events, where they might mutate publicly visible components of an entity, are relayed via the event server to the client. See the above discussion on primary (idempotent) defining events for additional details.

Entity Synchronization Sequence

sequenceDiagram participant Client participant WorldManagement

note left of Client: Player enters game
activate WorldManagement
WorldManagement -) Client: Entity tree for player (self tree)
activate Client
deactivate Client
deactivate WorldManagement

note left of Client: Player subscribes to world segment
activate WorldManagement
WorldManagement -) Client: All non-block entities in segment (except self tree)
activate Client
deactivate Client
deactivate WorldManagement